On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 6:22 AM, linuxguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 14:30 +0300, Gilboa Davara wrote:
>> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 16:38 -0600, linuxguy wrote:
>> > On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 18:37 -0500, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
>> > > > The people that allowed KDE4.0 to ship in F9 showed
>> > > > a huge lapse in judgment.
>> > >
>> > > How so? I think they underestimated how many freeloaders would bitch
>> > > about not having what they want when they want it.
>> >
>> > The fact that you refer to common Linux users like myself as
>> > "freeloaders who bitch" demonstrates a big part of this and other
>> > problems within the Linux community.
>> >
>> > Keep it up.  Linux adoption will stay at 1% for another 10 years.
>> >
>> If the price of 10% adoption rate is exponential increase in the number
>> of bitch-and-moan-while-doing-nothing-to-help like the OP, I'll take 1%
>> market share any time, any date. (But that's me...)
> "do nothing to help" people are the majority of computer users.

I am pretty sure the majority of computer users pay. Paying is a lot of help.

> They
> don't expect to have to WORK on an operating system.

Why not, or don't you realize that paying for it is equivalent?

You can either pay, take it for free and help, or take it for free and
understand that beggars aren't' choosers.

> They expect it to
> "just work" for them.

And which operating system is that?

> You are lucky that I "bitch an moan".

How about we hire someone to start beating you with a stick every time
you say something we say is stupid. Would you feel lucky?

> I'm really just the messenger for
> the vast majority of potential Linux users out there.  99% of the other
> people heard messages like "If the price of 10% adoption is..." from
> Linux people like yourself and decided they didn't want to be insulted
> and then chose not to be involved in the Linux community.

Fuck em. Seriously, I speak for myself, and you can quote me on that.
Why would I want to encourage my own abusers?

> The Fedora and KDE communities shipped an operating system in which
> basic functionality like drag and drop and Kget doesn't work.

KDE doesn't ship operating systems. It would be at least less
annoying, and closer to being constructive if your complaints are

Kget is by no means a critical utility, i've been using KDE for years
and have only tried it once. And I don' know what kind of drag and
drop your using that doesn't work.

> They
> didn't clearly warn people about things like this.

Being ignorant doesn't mean they didn't warn. There were, without
exaggeration, dozens of announcements, and articles before, during and
after the release.

> And you expect
> people to not complain ?

There is a difference between constructive complaints and bitching.
Everyone wants the former.

> I think its time the Fedora community took a long hard look at itself.
> Linux IS ready for the desktop.   Or at least it was with KDE 3.5.9.

Which has not magically disappeared into the ether. If you weren't
willing to deal with the issues, you should have stayed with KDE 3.5.
Souds like KDE isn't going to be ready for you till 4.5

> Some of the Linux community, however, is not.


Fedora 7 : sipping some of that moonshine
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