Arthur Pemberton wrote:

If the price of 10% adoption rate is exponential increase in the number
of bitch-and-moan-while-doing-nothing-to-help like the OP, I'll take 1%
market share any time, any date. (But that's me...)
"do nothing to help" people are the majority of computer users.

I am pretty sure the majority of computer users pay. Paying is a lot of help.

They do pay, but to Microsoft and Apple.

I'm really just the messenger for
the vast majority of potential Linux users out there.  99% of the other
people heard messages like "If the price of 10% adoption is..." from
Linux people like yourself and decided they didn't want to be insulted
and then chose not to be involved in the Linux community.

Fuck em. Seriously, I speak for myself, and you can quote me on that.
Why would I want to encourage my own abusers?

Because with free software, only a very small percentage of users will be both motivated and able to improve it. That means you need to encourage a very large user base to reach that small percentage that will matter for the future.

didn't clearly warn people about things like this.

Being ignorant doesn't mean they didn't warn. There were, without
exaggeration, dozens of announcements, and articles before, during and
after the release.

Really? Is there something on the fedora project page or the usual download locations saying not to use this release? Or something in the installer?

Which has not magically disappeared into the ether. If you weren't
willing to deal with the issues, you should have stayed with KDE 3.5.
Souds like KDE isn't going to be ready for you till 4.5

How would a potential new user know this before installing and wiping out whatever they had that worked before? And having done that, how can you expect them not to complain?

  Les Mikesell

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