ppps wrote:
> Hi Mike, thanks for the reply unfortunately this does not help  :(
> my routing table already has these routes :(
> and while trying to run the ip route it return
> Rtnetlink answers: File exists
> I have tried to eliminate routes with
> the route del -net netmask and then add the path
> using ip route add dev eth ...
> Unfortunately, although this adds routes, it's not work
> inside / etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth4 options are:
> DEVICE = eth4
> HWADDR = 00:19: D1: 8C: 02:5 e
> ONBOOT = yes
> TYPE = Ethernet
> USERCTL = no
> PEERDNS = yes
> IPV6INIT = no
> BOOTPROTO = none
> In a similar way for other interfaces.
> Like this content in / etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth4
> : (
> it is curious to me that this step also with the same configuration but in 
> opensuse 11
> In my fedora the kernel is 2.6.25-14.
> I think that might be missing activate an option in the kernel or sysctl
> Best regards

Can you post "netstat -rn" output from the machines you are tesing from
in all of the different "lans"?  Also, I've never seen traceroute output
quite like you show.  Could you do traceroutes from your "firewall"
machine to hosts in the other "lans" and from hosts in the other "lans"
to hosts in the other "lans" that would have to cross the "firewall"
machine and post the output of that information?  Also, you *may* have
to use -i with the traceroute (but man says it should *just work*).


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