Hey guys,
first of all I would like to thank them for their great support, thanks to that 
I could now bring forward a package from both ends, or for any network, except 
for one detail. The network is supported by a router zyxell 
Prestige 660-Hw T1-V2, that give me access to the Internet.
Through this router I can reach computers behind the router zxyell (example: 
from to via linux FC9), but unfortunately from I can not ping the interface of the router ZyXEL (IP: 192,168 
.5.1). But if I can ping from (linux FC) to (as 
mentioned above). This is quite strange to me :( . I mean
Pinging does NOT WORK! :(
Pinging if it works! Pinging also works

I called my ISP and I asked for some filter on the router itself that prevents 
the ping, but they say that with the default settings there is no filter that 
blocks access to the interface. I even reset the router ZyXEL to the default 
values but does not work.
My supplier tells me that there is something in linux known as an "echo" in 
which I turn off my linux FC but who have no idea how to do it. :(

I need to access my LAN to the Internet but I can only do that from the hosts 
directly connected to the router zyxell (including FC), but not from my other 
lamentablmente LANS :(

Please I need your support and thank you very much in advance!!

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