> 1) there is no default gateway entered in your netstat -nr command. Gateway 
> is
> missing in your routing table. So, where do you expect to go your traffic to?
> 2) you need the appropiate entries for accepting connections with iptables. 
> just setting
> the ip.forward.v4 param is not that enough (IMHO). Use system-config-firewall:
> - set the NIC you want to accept connection as a trusted device (for test 
> purposes now)
> - add a forward rule to the nic, you want to to forward, such as :
> Try, then you should see using iptables -L -v some traffic on the NIC and in 
> state.
> Roger
There's no need for a default route in these cases since the traffic is
all going to networks connected to the interfaces.  If he was trying to
send packets outside of these direct connected networks then he would
need a default route, I agree.

As to the firewall, he's set all of everything to ACCEPT in all cases at
this point so traffic "should just flow" (I hate saying "should just"
'cause whenever I say it, it doesn't)..(might as well just turn off the
firewall software actually during this testing...that would take one
piece of the puzzle completely out of play).


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