On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Robert P. J. Day <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> wrote:
>  sure, i'm willing to help out, but it (finally) dawned on me that
> there's always going to be a fundamental drawback with the way jigdo
> is being supported.  when the re-spin is created, it will of course be
> current with the packages at all the mirrors.  however, once packages
> are upgraded beyond that, the older packages will be dropped and the
> (static) re-spin will no longer match what's at all the mirrors.  the
> more time passes, the more packages will fail to match.  so what's the
> solution?

I, for one, am thankful for your rant. Before reading this thread, I
had considered using jigdo because I thought it worked in some
sensible way, like, "Make me a spin with these packages; get them from
updates if they are there." Now that I know that the jigdo files are
version-specific, I won't even give it a try. Thanks for saving me a
ton of time!


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