Kam Leo wrote:
> Jigdo does work. It works for Fedora too, but not the way you intend.
> With every Fedora release there are bugs which prevent that release
> from being installed or functioning properly. You create a respin
> which incorporate the fix(es) so you can use Fedora now and not wait
> until the next formal release.
> Will that work every time? Of course not.

The problem is that Fedora mirrors do not keep older updates, so the jigdo
file just doesn't work. By the time the respin goes out, it already
references updates which no longer exist. (For example, this respin has KDE
4.1.4 on it. By the time it was released, we had already pushed KDE 4.2.0,
so the 4.1.4 updates are no longer available. The more time passes, the
more updates are affected.)

        Kevin Kofler

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