On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:25 AM, Robert P. J. Day <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Kam Leo wrote:
>> Jigdo was created for the Debian community. The Debian Stable
>> release is known for its stability, i.e. slow change. Jigdo has its
>> use in the scheme of things. However, using it to stay current with
>> a high churn release such as Fedora is not one of them.
>> The ideal candidate for Jigdo is a slow changing distribution such
>> as CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu LTS.  Even if you create a respin with
>> a package list that is a month old after an install there will be
>> fewer packages to update. This is especially beneficial when
>> installing on multiple machines or one that has a slow or limited
>> access internet connection.
>> By the way, when Fedora Unity Project first used Jigdo Fedora Core
>> was a relatively slow changing distribution.
>  and all of that makes perfect sense, but it fails to address the
> fundamental issue that i think we've finally identified here -- of
> what use is jigdo with a fast-moving distro like fedora?  especially
> when you read this at http://spins.fedoraunity.org/
> "Welcome to Fedora Unity's Re-Spin download site. In the past we have
> chosen BitTorrent as our method for sharing bits. For our latest
> release we have gone with using Jigdo to reduce the bandwidth and time
> requirements of each Spin. Thanks and enjoy!"
>  there is a fundamental logical disconnect here:  jigdo is being
> promoted heavily as a way to get fedora re-spins, when jigdo clearly
> doesn't work for a rapidly-changing distro like fedora.  can we
> finally agree on that?

Jigdo does work. It works for Fedora too, but not the way you intend.

With every Fedora release there are bugs which prevent that release
from being installed or functioning properly. You create a respin
which incorporate the fix(es) so you can use Fedora now and not wait
until the next formal release.

Will that work every time? Of course not.

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