Dennis Mattingly wrote:
> I have (another) simple question involving my router.
> Is this a Linux Bug, or simply a Bad Router?
> 1) My internet is perfect (normal setup)
> 2) Plug my computer internet directly into ethernet router
> 3) $ ping
> network is unreachable
> So, is this my router, do I need to turn-off network manager, Linux bug,
> what next?
A lot depends on how you connect to the Internet. If you are
connected directly to the Modem, and have the computer set up to
connect using something like PPPoE, then you have to make a few
modifications when you add in a router between the computer and the
modem. The usual change is to set up the router to do the PPPoE for
you, and then change your computer to use DHCP and turn off the
PPPoE connection.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the network and default
gateway that the computer is set up to use man not give you a route
to the network. For example, my DSL modem defaults to If I were connected to the modem directly, my computer
would be set up to use the network with the gateway
being With the default setup, I would also have to
configure the computer to make the PPPoE connection. But I have the
DSL modem configured to do that, and I have the router configured to
use DHCP to get its WAN IP address.

So, without a lot more information about your setup, it is not
possible to answer your question.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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