On 09/11/09 19:17, Dennis Mattingly wrote:
>>> So I finally think it's a hardware issue.
>>> Thanks for all the input.
>>Routers normally have their own static addresses (different for
>>different router companies) which allows you access their configuration
> Some network-admins at my job examined the router and it looks like a
> hardware issue.
> Not only did they confirm the LED lights are very dim, but they couldn't
> detect the router using any hardware / OS / computer / network cable.
> So thanks again all for your help.
> I'll go to Microcenter soon and purchase a nice new LinkSys router.
> I heard someone mention NFS and static-IP addresses.
> So I'll start playing in that ballpark and see how far I can go.

I'm using a wired Edimax router and it works reliably, but it does use
good old reliable Linux code, as do I. It defaults to both LAN and WAN
being set to DHCP, but is not difficult to reconfigure, I now have fixed
IP for the LAN.


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