On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 01:28 +1030, Tim wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 15:11 -0500, Tait Clarridge wrote:
> > for a pretty solid router I would go for the Dlink DIR-655 extreme
> Have they improved their interface in recent years?  The DLink I bought,
> a year or so ago, has the most awful web interface to use.  A friend's
> Netgear was a lot better.

I believe they have, at least I do not have any issues with navigating
the web interface now. Everything seems to be in the right place and it
"looks" modern compared to the Linksys I used to have (although looks
rarely matter if it doesn't work properly). 

If you download the manual for the router I'm sure it will give you a
glimpse of the features/web interface.

If you don't require wireless there are some other options out there
that may be cheaper and just as good. Netgear probably have some good
offerings here.

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