I verified the problems with a fresh install of f8 with updates (not rawhide) and livecd-tools from git. So, I uninstalled the git version of LiveCD Tools, disabled the development repo in YUM (LiveCD tools was the only package enabled) and reinstalled LiveCD tools with GIT. For some reason it choked on my RPM cache, so I've turned cacheing off for now. I've just finished creating my second livecd under this setup (2 different kickstarts, fwiw). As an aside, I'm still receiving the same errors on the same particular RPMs so I'm pretty convince it's not related to RPMs.

IMVHO (I think I'm going to get blasted for this theory) it's probably wise not to mix LiveCD tools for a future version of Fedora with a production release of Fedora. The last time I ran into weird bad juju with LiveCD Tools was when I mixed a git pre-release of the F8 version of LiveCD Tools with a F7 dev vm.


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