I am guinea pig, hear me squeak! ;-)


Jeremy Katz wrote:
On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 22:46 -0700, Tim Wood wrote:
IMVHO (I think I'm going to get blasted for this theory) it's probably wise not to mix LiveCD tools for a future version of Fedora with a production release of Fedora. The last time I ran into weird bad juju with LiveCD Tools was when I mixed a git pre-release of the F8 version of LiveCD Tools with a F7 dev vm.

As I've said, I really *don't* test running on "stable" releases that
often as all of my main machines run the development tree.  I'm very
open to fixes for running on at least the last Fedora release, but at
the same time, it's probably going to require someone helping out and
running more often on the stable release.  Because I end up doing one of
those test runs at most probably once a month.  And since starting
school, not even that.


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