Since one of the things we should have for Felix is a coding standard, I just added a lengthy page on the wiki with a PROPOSAL for such a coding standard. In fact, I simply took our company's guide (with their permission of course) and made some minor alterations (some things were not relevant here). This is meant as a starting point, so please read it and give your feedback.

You can read it here on the site (the static copy) and you will notice that we need to improve our stylesheet to get better formatting:

that being said, you can also have a look on the wiki directly (which has better built-in styles already):

Feel free to comment on anything that's there or missing, voice your opinion on what we should and should not try to "standardize". I'm particularly interested in your opinions on all the different modules (subprojects) and if we should even attempt to enforce any specific guide on all of them.

In my experience, agreeing on a coding standard has always been a difficult process, because many people have strong personal opinions and often, valid points can be made for deciding some things either way. The reason to even try to get a standard is easier read- and understandability. Oh well, enough talk for one evening!

Greetings, Marcel

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