Michelle, here is the progression of Gary's anemia

A couple months ago her blood panel showed an HCT of
31.  2-3 weeks ago she developed a fever and was
eating less and less.  She was treated for the fever
but was weak and lethargic and her nose got ghostly
pale - that's when she was re-tested with an HCT of 9.
 Because of this, we thought we'd be lucky to have her
a couple days.  After that test, this is what

IV fluids overnight in hospital
blood transfusion (whole blood of her type)

She came home with:

Cyproheptadine (as appetite stimulant)
Hi-Vite vitamin serum 2x/day
Interferon every day (no off days)
Epogen 300 units 3x/week by injection
Prednisone (half tablet 2x/day)
she's only eating chicken and turkey baby food right

2 days later we took her in for:

150 units of sub-q fluids
1 dexamethasone shot

Michelle, I can tell you without a doubt that she
would have died over the weekend had she not had the
blood transfusion.  It perked her right up and she was
jumping around like usual that night.  She was not
moving much at all before that and wanted to be by
herself all the time.

She's still taking everything above.  She's only
getting 1 dose of appetite stimulant per day instead
of 2 now.  What I'd like to do is get her back on
regular cat food and go back to 7 on/7 off with the
Interferon.  And obviously, she can't be on pred
forever but she's supposed to taper down in a couple
days to 1x/day.  Since she responded to this
treatment, I'd would now like to get her in with the
homeopathic vet and try some of the anemia maintanence
formulas everyone suggested.  I think we'll have to
wait another paycheck or 2 for that. :)


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