Thanks Belinda,
I listened to the interview and saved the website from Dr. Plechner.  Did either of your cats have overgrooming as a specific problem?
Mostly I think I need those tests to see why my hormones, thyroid, immunity is out of whack!!
I'll check it out again.

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Tonya,
My positive Bailey is on pred, a very low dose to increase his
cortisol level, it should be between 1 and 2.5 and it is .47, he and
Joey (negative) had a special blood test that shows both of their
Endocrine-Immune systems, basically their hormones are out of balance.
He will probably have to be on this for the rest of his life. He is
getting 1ml every other day. He started with 1ml everyday ofr 5 days
and now is on a maintenance dose every other day. Their estrogen is
high for both of them and their IgA, IgG, and IgM is low for both of them.

A Dr Plechner has done studies to find out why so many animals get
cancer, and other common diseases - allergies, epilepsy, viral diseases,
inflammatory bowel, autoimmunity ti name a few, and has discovered that
it has todo with their hormones. And once you get their hormones back
in balance most of these things will resolve (he has successfully
treated and cured animals with cancer using his protocol if it was found
the affected animals hormones were out of balance), Joey has IBD and
Bailey of course immunity problems that are causing stomastisis.

They both have to take the pred, and Joey is additionally on a
maintenance dose of metronidazole. They will both have to be switched
to hypoallergenic food, and we have to retest in 2 weeks to see if they
are on the correct dose of pred to get their cortisol level within the
normal range. Supposedly once that happens and I get them on the hypo
food everything else hormonally will correct itself (estrogen, and the

This Dr. has a website if anyone is interested:

this is all new for me so I can't say if it will work or not, all I know
is we have tried every test under the sun for Joey and we can find no
reason for his ongoing diarrhea, so he has been diagnosed with IBD,
which more often than not eventually turns into cancer and I am not just
going to sit by and wait for that, so I figure this is worth a shot.
Joey also has allergies to what we still haven't figured out, but we are
guessing they are food related.

I can say Bailey has suffered no side effects from this small dose of
pred, he has been on it for going on 4 weeks now, and I inadvertantly
gave it to him for 7 days instead of 5 in the beginning.

PS. Just an FYI, the blood test was fairly expensive but I'm sure the
vet that owns the practice doubled whatever the lab billed her, but then
again maybe not because there are only a few labs in the US that can do
this test. Hopefully when we redo the test a week or so we will be on a
correct dose to get the cortisol where it should be or we'll have to do
it again after we adjust their dose.

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