I'm coming in late. Just wanted to say I'm very sorry about your mom. That's really tough.
I'm glad Carolina seems better. It's always so scary when they seem to be acting differently, and such a huge relief when they bounce back!
all best wishes, Kerry 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

Carolina seems a liitle better this morning, so I guess I was being a silly mom.
The deworming pill doesn't make much sense to me either.  This is a young, freshly minted vet, which may explain it.  She couldn't get much in the way of fecal material to test. 
Moving to a rural area from a large city has some disadvantages, one of them is health care for pets and people.  It just isn't as good here.  The advanced technology is not readily available as it was in Cleveland.  That modern health care could not save any of my kitties though; it did keep them alive longer and more comfortably.
Thanks for the info.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A lot of cats feel sick after vaccines, or deworming. Getting them
together might easily have her feeling crummy. Add to that the stress
of a vet visit and I wouldn't panic to much. I know saying that is
easier than doing it. Keep a close watch on her, check her ear tips to
see if they feel hot to you, and hopefully she'll feel like her old self
tomorrow. If she gets any worse, or doesn't improve by tomorrow, you
might want to call the vet and let them know what's going on, just to be
on the safe side.

Isn't nice to have a group of people to talk to that you KNOW will

P.S. Why would your vet think that vomiting undigested food warrants a
precautionary deworming? Next time I'd have a fecal test done to check
for parasites. Vomiting could indicate all sorts of things, I don't
think I've ever heard it being indicative of worms though.

Sharon Siders wrote:

> Hi!
> I haven't posted in a long time as I have no FELV+ kitties anymore and
> I have been caring for my mother. Mom passed away on March 20 after a
> battle with colon cancer.
> I took my two cats to the vet today for check-ups and vaccinations.
> Carolina seems to be feeling ill tonight. She had not had any
> vaccines in 3 years; she got them today along with a deworming pill.
> The pill was precautionary as she had vomited undigested food a few
> times in the last couple of weeks. She checked out okay as far as
> temperature, etc. She had been fine, but she is lethargic and just
> vomited a little bit of foam. Anyone know if she might be reacting
> badly to the vaccine or deworming pill?
> I'm panicking a bit as I lost four cats in 3 years, two from FELV. My
> hubby thinks that taking cats to the vet makes them get sick and is
> worried about our pretty girl.
> Thanks for any info.
> Sharon
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