from what i understand FIP is the body's response to the mutated corona virus. i think its the virus itself not the bodies genetics but the viruses. there are many corona viruses (kind of like breeds of cats) and every once in a while there is mutation (kind of like double paws). michelle really gets this one.. an I in the right track michelle?
From: Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/06/13 Mon AM 11:19:18 EDT
Subject: Re: FIP

Isn't FIP a mutation of one of the corona viruses based on the cats
own genetic makeup, or something like that?


On Jun 12, 2005, at 9:55 PM, catatonya wrote:

> I think they are saying now that it's really not that 'catchy'
> because it's caused by a corona virus that most cats are or will
> be exposed to already............. It's just that most cats
> exposed to the various viruses do not come down with fip and a few do.
> t
> I was already afraid of that. How "catchy" is it for my other cats?
> How again is that spread- we never see it at my clinic- isn't it
> pretty uncommon these days or am I confusing with another
> infectious disease?
> She is too young for the baby aspirin or should i say too thin, she
> does not weigh enough to even qualify for the smallest possible
> dose. We just started her on a 2nd antibiotic so fingers are
> crossed. I can't believe she's still eating!!
> >
> > Date: 2005/06/12 Sun PM 02:20:21 EDT
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: 6 week old kitten fever question
> >
> > I don't mean to scare you, but it could be FIP.
> >
> > Has your vet mentioned using baby aspiring to bring down the
> fever? It worked
> > with Ginger. Adult cats can get one baby aspirin every three days
> (too much
> > aspirin can kill cats). I have no idea how much a kitten that
> small would get,
> > or if it is even safe, so please do not try it without talking to
> the vet
> > first.
> >
> > Michelle
> >
> >


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