Hi Kerry,
I have all my kitties together with Bandy and have since I took him in 2001...He wasn't tested then but since we found out in July about his Felv and Fiv, I couldn't separate them...The others tested neg..except 1 which was Felv + with no symptoms...They haven't been vaccinated inat least 10 yrs...and I didn't re-vaccinate them now either...I guess it is just a feeling that I go with, I don't know...I am not really worried about them getting FIV, but the Felv I don't know about either...I have a 2 yr old that is with him too and he is negative too and wasn't vaccinated until this summer...In my opinion if the kitty has a weakened immune system to begin with then maybe they will contract it, I still read about all of it, too and I just don't know what to believe...
Kerry and Bandy

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