We've talked before about sharing the same problems with being able to adopt out our charges, how we fall in love and don't want to part with them.  I look for impossibly good homes for them, (homes like the ones on this board), end up not finding them, and surprise, surprise, my personal household keeps growing.  I think you've hit it on the head when you said that you have to try not to be selfish about Tsubomi.  Maybe this is part of your life's lesson; to be able to love from a distance.  If you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  I think it's part of why we have such a hard time accepting death, even though the two of us are convinced that life doesn't end when we die and that once loved, we are never truly separated. 

I'm very happy to hear that the city attorney seems to think that all will go well at the hearing.  Until it's over though, it's still so nerve racking!  I would suggest preparing for your case as ardently as you would, if you expected to lose.  Just in case it's necessary, you want to be armed with evidence of giving your cats a good home.

Blessings to our friend Kerry for opening up her home to sweet Tsubomi.  I'm sending you both long-distance love and support, call anytime,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:


Thanks, Kerry.

Actually, Greg talked to the city attorney who will be representing the city animal control at the hearing – he says that if there’s no one shows up to complain in my neighborhood, the case will be dismissed, since it was an anonymous call who reported me, no one will show up probably at the hearing  – and he says, if animals are well taken care of, he does not really care how many I have - he says, some people can only take care of 5 cats and overwhelmed, and other people might be able to care of 200 and they are very good at it still..– and as long as there is no complaint from the neighbor and animals are taken care of, he said we should not worry about it  - they want to move these cases very quickly at the hearing…so that’s a relief -  


As much as I would like to find a good home for Tsubomi, I also so badly want to keep her with me somehow (that’s why I can never get rid of cats) – but I will definitely consider to see what’s best for Tsubomi and Ginger ------and not being selfish -


I will keep you posted –

Thank you very much!!


Love and hugs to you!!!

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