Wow, I can't believe there are other vegans here. I hardly ever meet any. As 
far as carrots go, my pugs also go NUTS over them. They also go nuts over 
brussels sprouts. Go figure. lol. Lucy loves to eat, she'd eat the whole 
apartment if it were edible. Sometimes she is so stubborn to come inside that I 
have to yell "CARROT!" or "COOKIE!" and THEN she comes FLYING back inside. I 
love animals. They make life so interesting and fun. lol. Well, your boyfriend 
is luckier than mine was at the time. He's gone now. Got the boot. LOL. 
Actually it was otherwise related, but still, any guy who doesn't love animals 
like I do...there's gonna be a problem. They don't have to be vegan but they 
sure do have to love furkids, and my guy now is a gem. He is so gentle.

ANYWAY...thank you for the welcome Michelle. I look forward to sharing more 
about Brooklyn as we adjust and bond more with each other. 

Where is everyone from by the way? I'm from NY and live in Long Island. I just 
called about Innova and they have it at my local supply store. $11 and change 
for a 6 lb bag. Reasonable? I know everything is expensive in NY so I wouldn't 
be surprised if that's expensive.


>  -------Original Message-------
>  Subject: Welcome Rebecca
>  Sent: Nov 22 '05 11:43
>  Hi Rebecca Welcome to group.
>  I too am 30 and vegan although I work in Psychology not audiology. My 
> animals are not vegan although my dog goes mad for carrots. All 3 of my dogs 
> went mad for carrots but I only have 1 left now - the others had to be put to 
> sleep due to old age related ailments. In fact when my boy Deano was here he 
> had about 6 teeth out so we had to cook his carrots so they were soft 
> following the operation. Then about 2 weeks later I caught him pinching a big 
> raw carrot out of the bag and he lay for about 20 mins patiently grinding the 
> carrot down with his front teeth - bless him. The vet prescribed carrots for 
> Gemma who needed to lose weight at the time and all 3 got hooked. Now I only 
> have Candy left of my dogs but she is still as hooked - we just give her a 
> carrot to keep her quiet now.
>  Your comment about your ex boyfriend made me laugh too. My boyfriend would 
> not have another pet when our recue Cat tidge died (unexpected FIV related 
> illnesses) so I moved back home with my parents and took in 3 immune 
> compromised cats from the sanctuary. We are still together but just don't see 
> each other much nor live together which I prefer. I too wish I could afford 
> to just cuddle up with the fur babies full time and dedicate my whole time to 
> being a full time animal mother.
>  Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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