Lucky Rosalie, after you found her. That's wonderful. So many people are
so lacking in compassion--if it wasn't for the support this group gives
me I'd be permanently in despair, I think.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: euthanizing kitties for bathroom habits

That's how I came to adopt my orange girl Rosalie. She had a BIG sign on
her cage at the Humane Society that said "Litter Box" problems. When I
read her surrender form, the people had written that they cleaned her
litterbox ONCE A WEEK! I've had this charming playful bouncy girl for
four years
now and she had hasn't had any accidents at all. 


----- Original Message -----
From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:45 pm
Subject: euthanizing kitties for bathroom habits

> I didn't know that the number one reason cats are
> euthanized is because of their lack of litter habits;
> that is SO sad.  I believe it though.  My husband's
> brother and his wife decided to put their cat to sleep
> this past spring because it was urinating in their new
> home in the dining room.  I was SICK when I found out.
> If I had known beforehand, I would have taken her
> myself.  My husband just told me that they had to put
> their cat to sleep, which meant to me that she was
> very ill.  But the next time I went over there, I
> asked what was wrong with Angel, and adorable kitty
> (she looked like a Ragamuffin), so sweet and loveable,
> and they told me she was urinating in the dining room.
> So I said, "So you just killed her?!"  I was so
> angry.  Then they have the nerve to get another kitten
> for their little girl, I guess a more "well-behaved"
> cat, and then decide they didn't want it either, and
> when they were talking about it, I just asked them to
> not talk about it anymore because I didn't want to
> know what they did with that kitten.  We had
> Thanksgiving dinner there this past week, and I really
> just have to pretend none of that ever happened or I
> would not be very pleasant to be around.  I catch
> myself wishing bad things on them when I think about
> Angel, like 1000 cats converging on their home at
> night while they are sleeping and peeing and pooing
> EVERYWHERE, so that they house is NEVER the same, or
> even worse things.  And then I chastise myself for
> wishing ill on others.  Life is so not fair.  I think
> that should be SO illegal.  But we allow abortion in
> the U.S., and since animals are lower on the totem
> pole than humans in society, I guess there's not much
> chance of it becoming illegal.
> :)
> Wendy
> __________________________________ 
> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 


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