OMG Steph!  What a horrible thing for your aunt to do?
 Has she lost her marbles?  Is she always that way, or
was it her reacting to her mother's death?  People do
strange things when they are in emotional distress.  

Like you, I was very close with my grandmother.  We
lived next door to her my whole life and I lived with
her when I was in high school (my mom and I aren't
very close; she's an alcoholic and I moved out when I
got tired of her crap) and when I started my first
teaching job out of college, and she was like a best
friend to me.  I loved her dearly.  She died almost 10
years ago, when I was 26, and I took it very hard.  I
miss her deeply, as you do your grandma.  After she
died, I would be at Walmart, and put something in my
basket that I knew she needed, and had to take it out
when I remembered that she was gone.  This went on for
a while.  It's so hard to let our loved ones go.  I
got really depressed and went to a counselor for a
while, which was the best thing I ever did for myself.
 I am sorry that you lost your grandma and I am even
sorrier that some of your family members don't
understand you.  Thank goodness for the grace of God,
when everything else that's supposed to be fine and
normal isn't.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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