You have me in tears reading this.  Life's choices are so hard sometimes.  No one would judge you for doing what you think necessary in your own circumstances.  We know you love Cotton and that you want to save him.  Sadly sometimes having all the money and resources available is not enough to save them anyway.  All you can do, is all you can do.  My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.  Love can be so bittersweet, as with everything else, if there were no costs, no pain, how would the highs and joys be recognized or appreciated?  Give Cotton and your son a hug and kiss from me.  Enjoy Cotton every minute, don't forget, he may just surprise them all!

Dudes wrote:
Michelle, please don't say it's ridiculous, because I already feel guilty enough for trying to please everyone.  I may not have a choice, and I just have to do the best I can for Cotton with my resources and my situation.  My husband Eric makes 3x the money I do, and has the final say in things like this, especially if it is a significant amount.  It's just how we do things.  He enjoys my cats', but notice I say they are my cats.  He does not enjoy the bond or closeness I feel with them.  I would do anything to save them, but he does not feel the same way I do about Cotton's treatment.  
There are many people in my life who feel the same as Eric, and don't feel like I am doing the right thing, they think I am throwing money away for trying to buy him quality time.  I feel like I am not.  And I think it is a good lesson to my son that life is to be respected and is worth saving.  Unfortunately he's learning this in a very intimate way this time, because Cotton is his love.  I intend to see it through to the end.    I feel like I have taught him this by the squirrel lives saved in my work in wildlife rehabilitation, which was also expensive.  Zoonotic formulas are very expensive.  
So I am fighting an uphill battle with Cotton on many levels.  I have to justify and fight for every step.   So I will do what I can as soon as I can.  I couldn't bear it if any of you thought that I was being lax or casual about Cotton's treatment.  I wouldn't be here if that was the case.  My heart is breaking as I write this, knowing what I know.  If I had my way, we would have done these tests weeks ago.     

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