Chandra, never worry about writing. We especially like hearing good news
Long may Buddha enjoy his food, health and life!
----- Original Message -----
From: "chandra simms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: Buddha

> I was a little hesitant to post anything this morning.
>  I am a bit afraid that you might all be getting
> irritated by me posting so many LONG emails about
> Buddha everyday, but I am just so happy and really
> wanted to share a our good news, since I am POSITIVE
> we wouldn't have this good news without all of the
> happy thoughts, positive energy and healing prayers
> that have come from this group.
> Yesterday after I posted my last email, Buddha walked
> over to his food dish and ate almost the entire bowl
> of his hard cat food.  The vet put him on special
> kitten food because he refuses to eat soft canned cat
> food (don't know why, but he always has his whole
> life) and she said that he needed high protein food
> because Carbs. feed tumors.  He didn't really take to
> it last week and then he stopped eating all together,
> but now he can't get enough of it.  I was actually
> worried at one point that he might make himself sick
> he was eating so fast.
> Later in the evening he walked into our bedroom where
> I was reading and sat on the floor next to the bed
> until I picked him up and put him on the bed next to
> me.  He laid on my chest and stomach purring and
> sleeping for almost 2 hours.  Then when he finally
> woke up and wanted down, he walked to his water bowl
> in our bedroom and drank for 5 solid minutes.  I guess
> it might seem excessive but I have 4 water bowls
> placed around our house for him because after starting
> his Prednisone 2 weeks ago he was ALWAYS thirsty and I
> didn't want him to have to walk all the way to the
> kitchen just to get a drink of water.  By the end of
> the night he had finished off his bowl of food and ate
> another 48cc of the liquid food from the syringe.
> I called the vet tech. this morning and she said that
> since he had consumed so much water and food on his
> own that he didn't need to come in for fluids, which
> is so nice because that saves us a 2 1/2 hour round
> trip in the car, which he hates and really stresses
> him out.
> His cough sounds horrible, but it doesn't seem to be
> getting any worse or bother him too much and he is
> breathing through his nose again.
> There is a vet who will be taking over at my vet's
> office 3 times a week starting on Monday.  I can only
> assume that this vet has the same philosophy as my vet
> so I will give them a call on Monday.
> I didn't know this until recently, but Dr. Ballard has
> a sort of FeLV hospice in her home.  She cares for
> anywhere from 10-15 cats at a time.  Some of them she
> even gives blood transfusions to, when the cancer
> spreads to their bones.  Learning that made me feel a
> lot better about trusting her suggestion not to give
> Buddha chemo.  Evidently it would be somewhat similar
> to giving chemo. to a 85-90 year old human diagnosed
> with cancer.  I have been told that the side effects
> would be harsh and make what little time he has left
> miserable.
> Thank you again for your words of support and good
> thoughts.
> Chandra, Julian and Buddha
> --- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good morning Chandra,
> >
> > I hope Buddha is feeling well this morning.  You
> > might
> > be feeling a little lost without your vet for two
> > weeks during this crucial time.  And right now, two
> > weeks is too long to be without a vet.  Can your vet
> > or the tech recommend another vet to care for Buddha
> > while your regular vet is away?  You really need a
> > vet
> > available as Buddha needs the constant care.
> > Cricket
> > had two vets the month he was sick.  Depending on
> > the
> > procedure, I went with the one I was most
> > comfortable
> > with.  I wish I could recommend one for you by
> > personal experience, but unfortunately, I don't know
> > one that I would actually recommend.  I do know
> > there
> > is an excellent oncology clinic at 12101 Greenville
> > Avenue, I think close to the Forest Ln.
> > intersection,
> > called the Animal Cancer Center.  The number is
> > 214-437-9499.  I would NOT wait until your regular
> > vet
> > comes back.  Two weeks is a lifetime where Buddha's
> > health is concerned.  I like to call and talk
> > directly
> > to the vet so that I can get a feel for whether I
> > like
> > them, get a feel for their regular course of
> > treatment
> > for the particular illness, and also to find out if
> > they are open to alternate or unorthodox care before
> > I
> > spend money on an office exam.  Since this is
> > Saturday, you may want to just take Buddha's records
> > in because they most likely will be really busy like
> > most vets are on Saturday.  Although I am not sure
> > if
> > they are open on Saturdays at all.  I've never been
> > there; just heard great things about it.
> >
> > I'm glad to hear Buddha is eating better.  I can't
> > believe he was taking the food from a syringe!
> > That's
> > not force-feeding, which is what a lot of people
> > have
> > to do with sick kitties.  That's true
> > assist-feeding,
> > which is so much less stressful on both of you!
> >
> > It's such a blessing that you both are able to be
> > there for him right now at all times.  When Cricket
> > was sick, I had to go to work during the day, and it
> > just killed me to be there while he was at home.
> > All
> > I could think about was him.
> >
> > All you can do is your best Chandra, so try not to
> > second guess yourself.  Hindsight is 20/20, so you
> > just have to do what your heart and mind are telling
> > you to do, keeping in mind all the information you
> > have gathered and what the experts are telling you,
> > although many of us second-guess our own vets
> > sometimes.  There are so many different combinations
> > of care that you could do for Buddha, so many
> > different avenues to take and you can never know
> > which
> > one is right.  It's just not possible.  If you
> > believe
> > in a higher power, go to that source for guidance
> > and
> > peace as well.
> >
> > I know that you feel lost.  I did too when Cricket
> > was
> > ill.  But try to keep hope, as many here have had
> > success stories.  Kitties who have lived much longer
> > than expected, or even just a little longer.  Like
> > you
> > said, every minute that you have with Buddha, you
> > cherish.  And Buddha will pick up on your positive
> > vibes.
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> >
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