Ask Stretch what she wants. I have not followed this line but I have a beautiful cat, Kitty, who has cancer. We determined that for sure in Feb. and she made it plain to me that she did not want the treatments offered. I asked some animal communicator friends I meet with regularly to talk to her and ask her what she wanted. She was very plain spoken about what she wanted and did not want. I have made every effort to honor her wishes (they are the same I would have in her position). A month ago I had the misopportunity to have her x rayed and the cancer has spread. In Feb. we were (we thought) looking at a very few good months. Kitty is still doing wonderfully. I am enjoying every minute I have with her. This is to say that all the treatments we sometimes inflict in the name of love and kindness and whatever may not be what the lovely being wants. Ask yourself what you would want. My very wish vet put it in terms of would you want to be miserable for 6 months to live a total of 7 months.............or would you rather take the month or two you have and feel good???????? I hope your little one has much more time. Kitty obviously does. Perhaps the goals should be to determine what she wants (she really should have something to say about this) and to provide her with a comfortable, loving life---no matter how long or short it is.

Please know that I could and would have afforded any treatment Kitty needed and wanted and my vet knows this. Sometimes true love means choosing not to do something or choosing not to do what convention says demonstrates love.

----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: Need your help with Stretch

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the info.  I am going to give another
day or two to see how things go before taking Stretch
back to the doc.  Frankly, we are tapped out on money.
We are not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination,
and after spending hundreds of dollars trying to save
Cricket, and with Christmas just passed, we are a bit
broke.  I had to put the $85 visit to the vet
yesterday on a credit card that didn't have $85
dollars on it.  I will do all I can for Stretch, but
if it's cancer, I am not going to draw it out.  We
just can't afford the treatments.  I feel so
frustrated right now.  I don't want Stretch to go
through this.  I don't want my nephew to go through
losing his cat; he's been through so much as it is.
And my attitude isn't it's normal hopeful self after
losing Cricket.  I feel it's too soon after Cricket; I
don't think I can go through this again.  I am praying
for a miracle right now.  If Stretch can just pull
through this, and give us a little time, we will be
better able to afford treatments in six months.  I
hope that some of you understand being in this place.
How do you guys afford expensive treatments when you
just don't have the money?


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