Michelle – also don’t put too much weight on FIV result – it’s probably false positive – I took one of my older boy, OB for a blood work and I accidentally found out that he was tested for FIV positive, which did not make sense to me (he had always been negative and never been around of positives) – anyway, I had sent it out for WB for confirmation, and it came back negatives - - FIV false positives happened to 3 out of  7 of my cats in the past.


From: Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:49 PM
To: 'felvtalk@felineleukemia.org'
Subject: RE: Please wish Patches good luck! and Lucy too!


Hi, Michelle – I can completely relate to your worry.  Having tons of feral kitties at my house, I often have to put them on iso gas just to draw a blood – I think they call it “plain anesthesia” – just enough to draw a blood and they are not completely sleep and already awake when they are done with drawing blood – I hate to do it for the same reason as you are concerned.. but it’s still safer than having them go through a long surgery without checking their blood work first, I guess.


I had to have the dental done for Hannibal a couple of weeks ago, and was so freaking worried about it because of his CRF condition, and him being so older.. and the vet thought that he had FIP and stuff – but he came out ok --- Tsubomi, my felK also had to go through spaying surgery, and it went ok, too ---- so, I am sure that your baby Patches will be just fine!!! 


Michelle, I will be praying very hard for both Patches and Lucy and will be sending lots of healing energy  – please ask your vet not to use any sedatives or injectable prior or during or after the surgery, but only to use ISO gas – they recover much faster without injectables and injectables can cause complications.. my vets had suggested and we never use any injectables on my kitties any more – and its amazing how much sooner they recover without it ----so, just to avoid any risks, I would recommend that they only use ISO gas on Patches – (also, because I think, my Suzi had a reaction from injectables from pain killer during the spaying surgery and she died from it and I decided not to use it on any of my cats anymore) ---






Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:14 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Please wish Patches good luck! and Lucy too!


I was already fretting about Patches because she has been having a little trouble eating and the gums above her two broken canines are really swollen, so I made an appointment with a dentist for her tomorrow and was pretty sure he was going to say they have to come out. She is FeLV+ and at least 5 years old, so surgery freaks me out. But today she was running around the house meowing and sqatting and peeing little drops of bloody urine, so I scooped her up and took her to the vet. She has crystals again, they think (second time) and was given antibiotics and pain killer.  They also did an FeLV test to confirm her status, and guess what-- yes, she has FeLV, but she also has FIV.  I had not known this. AND he could not get blood from her because she had such a stress reaction to him trying that she started panting and almost collapsed. I have never had blood drawn from her before.  He insisted the only way to get the blood (necessary for pre-surgery workup anyway, but I wanted to see if anything else is going on with her) was to give her isoflourine gas (i.e. anesthesia) for 5 minutes and get the blood that way.  This was a new vet to me, and I never heard of such a thing, and did not want to do it. Gray convinced me to do it because she needs blood drawn, is going to have to get anesthesia to get the teeth out anyway next week, and she had been so stressed by the attempt to get blood from her that he thought such stress could do as much damage as the 5 minutes of gas. So I did it, and she was ok, but I was really upset about it.  This is already the 2nd vet office I am trying in the area since moving her in August.  I thought I would like them because they carry Purevax vaccines, unlike most places, and because the vet I saw there when I took Quincy for his Purevax FeLV vaccine was really great. But this was the other vet there.


And of course vet started quoting the statistic to me that 80% of cats with FeLV die within 3 years of contracting it, and my remaining three have all had it at least 4 years or so and probably longer, so although I know these stats are skewed from so many positives being euthanized on testing positive, I started feeling really depressed about their prospects for having much more time.


ANYWAY, having had anesthesia gas and some painkiller and dex, Patches is quite calm and happy now and basking in the sun on the bed, but I probably need anti-anxiety meds now. 


Please say a prayer for her to get through all of this, the urinary tract problems and the dental surgery, without problems.  Also please pray for Lucy, who seems to have IBD now and is on steroids (she is also FeLV+).  I am going to start making home-made diets for them to see if that helps.  I want to try raw but am worried because some people say that immune-compromised cats can have problems with the increased bacteria load in raw, so I think I may try a lightly cooked version of a raw diet.



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