Hi Kerry,
Yes I did join the anemia group and am going to get the folic acid you mentioned. Bailey gets alot of the things you mentioned already. My vet also feels Bailey's anemia is non regenerative and if Fred Meyers ever gets my procrit or epogen (procrit is on back order) I will get him started, he is also suppose to get it 3x a week, and then we will do a count recheck.

My biggest problem now is weight loss, he is losing weight and even though it is extremely stressful for him I am going to step up the syringe feeding. He is down to 8lbs 4oz, yesterday he was 8lbs 8oz. It isn't going to do either of us any good if he gets HL on top of this. I just pray the stress doesn't put him over the edge. He is extremely sensitive.

If my epo or procrit doesn't come in today there is going to be news of a crazy lady in the Fred Meyers in Washington state, I'm really on the verge of losing it. It seems like everything I am trying is getting blocked or messed up and I am barely holding it together. I lost my baby Frankie to anemia back in 1995 (my then vet didn't know hardly anthing about FeLV and how to treat anything). He was at 6 (his count), still eating and looking good, he still weighted about 17lbs., the only reason I took him in was because he had changed his nightly routine and his breathing seemed labored that day. I just had a gut feeling something was wrong. My vet was amazed he was still alive. She wanted me to euthanize him right then and I told her no way. He did pass that night at home.

So this is really scaring me ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

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