Kat knows more about cs than I do, but I recall when I was on the holisticat list there were varying opinions about it.  Some even said it was dangerous.   I don't remember enough about it to say much besides I remember choosing not to use it even though I know a lot of people do.
Also,  if you can put some coq10 or lysine in his wet food or water i think it would help.  Vitamin C might help too if you're dealing with a URI.  If you've got a 'good' vet that helps you out in these kinds of situations I would go ahead and take him in.  That way they can go ahead and treat the uri and neuter as soon as they feel he's ready.  The sooner the better on the neuter, because as Kat said, the other animals are going to react to his tomcat smell..........

Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Get some Collidal Silver to put in his water to help him get over his URI.
I usually use 20 ppm strength, and just add a dropperful to the water dish
each time I change the water. Once he is not sounding so congested, have
him neutered. Being that he is an older Tom, it may take 6 weeks for all
the hormones to get out of his body, but this should help - the others are
probably reacting to his "entact-ness".

Can you keep your bedroom (temporarily) closed off for a week so that when
you open the window to let Star in (after surgery and the 6 week waiting
period), he can move around the room and get used to being inside? Then
when he wants out, you can let the others in to start getting used to him
being inside too. (Sort of like swapping bedding around to get everyone
used to each others smells first.)

Then, get some feliway spray (comfort zone plug-ins) and some cooking
vanilla. Dab the cooking vanilla on EVERYONE (dogs included) both on the
back of their necks and at the base of their tails - this will help
everyone smell the same. The vanilla is non-toxic and can be re-applied
whenever you feel like you need it again.

All the while (starting now), talk to everyone and tell them what you are
doing, why you are doing it, and ask them for their help and co-operation
in this matter. And listen for anything that comes up - they will need to
be reassured and know that they are not being "left out" of the process.

Then, GO FOR IT!! You can do it! They will help. (And so will we, but
you already knew that.)
Kat (Mew Jersey)

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