EVO is a lot more concentrated and filling (according to Kitty) than a lot of other foods.
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Lucy-- refusing raw food now

Ah, I wish I could drink taquila, but I have gastritis (raw stomach lining) and so can not drink any alcohol.  Would be nice though!  (though i think taquila tastes horrible, actually!)
Lucy never eats as much as the other cats.  But when she was eating the raw food she ate about 4 bowls full per day. Maybe it is just a lot more water, though, and she is getting the same amount of food today, approximately, I don't know.
A measuring cup per cat is actually a lot of dry food-- way more than two small handfuls. I would guess she ate less than 1/4 cup of the EVO today plus the baby food and spoonful or wet. You are right that it is enough not to be worried about a lot of weight loss or HL or anything like that. I just worry that it is a trend, and I worry about what to give her in the morning since she seems to be crossing everything off her list after one meal.  But I guess I will just see what she wants in the morning and worry about it then.
I seriously was convinced that there was something wrong with Ginger about two weeks ago because she was eating way less than usual and covered up (or pantomimed it, anyway) everything I offered her, including lots of favorites. I finally realized that I had run out of a recent favorite canned food and went and bought more of it, and she started eating a lot again! But only wants that one food!  She and Patches both did this to me at the same time about two months ago-- first they both got obessed with Wellness chicken and herring canned food and stopped eating anything else. So I bought a case of it and they went through the whole case. So I bought another whole case of it. And wouldn't you know they changed their minds as soon as I brought it home and would not eat even a bite of it! To this day they don't want it.  Now all Ginger wants is chunky chicken and rice by Pro Plan.  But to see her disgust with all my other offerings, you would have thought she was generally repulsed by food.  And Lucy is generally way way pickier than the other two, so I realize this may just be a protest of the menu on her part.
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:18:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I don't know Michelle.  Most of my cats are on the rather 'plump' side, and they don't eat that much.  Are you sure she normally eats lots more than this, or are you just maybe paying more attention to what she's eating since she's been sick?  A jar of baby food, a spoon of wet food, and even two small handfuls of EVO should be enough that she's not particularly hungry in my opinion.........
I put out 5 small, ceramic bowls of kibble for 7 cats every day.  And they don't even eat all of that before the next day.  And most of them are 'obese' like their mom, lol, but it doesn't really seem like they eat that much.  It has to work out to maybe a measuring cup per cat, if it's even that much.  And 2 of mine are over 15 pounds!  When I give wet food (on rare occasions.  I know I should do it more.........) I typically split one can of royal canin between all 7 cats.  If I open a second there are 2 or 3 who will eat till they puke, but the rest have had enough after their spoonful.
And the litterboxes are full every day like everyone is eating and drinking way more than it seems like a cat would.....
You know Lucy best, but it sounds like she's doing ok right now as long as she's not getting sick, and she's eating something.
Inhale, exhale!  Even if something's wrong you're not going to 'sense' it as easily if you get too stressed yourself.  And Lucy will sense your stress over her eating/not eating.  You don't want that.  Got any tequila???

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