Well – she is a nut – but she thinks she is an animal activist.  She has two dogs and a cat which I adored very much when they lived in my area – she used to tell me – oh Hideyo, I don’t have any problems with your cats at all (of course, they are all indoor cats and she does not even see them) – but she hates small dogs who has a sort of high pitch sounds when they bark – my neighbor’s Scottie had it,, and one of my dogs had it.. and she called animal control complaining about the dog barking,, but they did not do anything about it because dogs were never barking when they came to inspect.. and the only way for her to do is to file a court.. and she did not want to do that.. so she decided to harass me and my cats for it.. but I just don’t understand.. she moved away last year, and she must be obsessed..


I am not sure, why this neighborhood guys made a false complaint – but I am going to ask him as to what this is about --- it’s very hurtful especially for the situation I am in now – I just want to be left alone.


Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:28 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Another disaster


Oh, I see.  I understand now.  She is a nut who hates animals.


Why do you think the neighborhood association guy weighed in?






In a message dated 1/31/2006 3:37:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know.. Greg thinks it should come from a lawyer – one time she (Camille) hosed one of my neighbor’s dogs in a very cold winter because he barked a little bit (he was a small Scottish dog), anyway, my neighbor reported her to police for cruelty to animals and she backed down on her dogs.. she used to through sticks and rocks in my yard when I had dogs --- she hates dogs and that’s how this whole thing got started.


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