Did vet say what "grade" the heart murmur is???
Many animal\s, and people NORMALLY have a heart murmur of some degree, and, often, cause no problems.
I was diagnosed with a heart murmur at age 2... My parents panicked, scared I;d die or develop coronary related problems.
Well, I am 50 now, have had MANY, MANY surgeries, and I am probably healthier than the average human.
My little dog Dukie, was diagnosed w/ a Grade 4 at 6 mos.  I DID have him neutered, as he got older, he had dentals, and he lived to be 19 1/2 years old!! wasn;t his heart that was his demise, but his kidneys.....
Neutering a cat, even Felv=, is ALWAYS prevents further relted problems down the road,
As for anesthesia, it is a risk. BUT!!!  DO NOT ALLOW VET TO USE INJECTABLE agents like telazol, ketamine, xylazine and that white  stuff, begins with "P".
Insist on pre-sx IV valium, and use of isoflourane, (gas). with incubation.  INSIST that Brooklyn is hooked up & administered IV fluids DURING surgery, and for the next 24 hours POST-surgery.  This will "Flush" out the anesthesia.  They can also administer yohombine (sp?), or another drug to "reverse" the anesthesu=ia, and bring him out of it quicker....
You MUST be an informed guardian....
Also, it is common with many felv and FIV cats to have gingivitis..It can be treated VERY successfully with antirobe(clindamycin), some cats may have to be on it long term , but it DOES work!!  Ask him to try that first....
What are you treating his eyes with?  Ointment? Drops? With or without steroids?
Has allergies or "dry" eye" been ruled out?
Too many Weird things here that are bothering me about your vet....
Did he say Brooklyn needs an echocardiogram??  Unless his murmur is a very HIGH grade, and THAT you would notice, I just don't understand...
I would DEFINITELY see another Felv+ friendly) vet ASAP for some answers...
Sure, all this could be secondary to the virus, but then why do so many HEALTHY cats also have these problems?? I'm a bit miffed...your vet seems to br sending you "negative" reports...
Rebecca, please try the antirobe.
Find out what grade the murmur is? And, is the eye Infected:, as with colored discharge, or just clear & teary looking?
And, definitely, neutering, or any surgery, using the guidelines I suggested (MALL my vets do this), will make Brooklyn a happier & healthier cat in the long run...
Please update....

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