Hi Karen,
    So sorry you are going through this kind of crap with the humane society. Just make me sick to my stomach.
It sounds to me if they can make profit off the kittens or cats that's hunky dory. But when need something done like medical treatment they tend to give the cold shoulder and discard animals.
They need to remember of how they became about in the animal world.
Do you have any statements from the Vets and bank for the treatments that you have paid for any of the animals?
If so, remind them of it that you can pursue it further with an attorney.
You need to ramble on this don't apologize for venting. Years ago, I went through the same thing told them where to get off and got my money back.
Today they are no longer in business....YAHOO!!!
Okay, I'm off my soapbox...  :)
In a message dated 2/7/2006 1:50:36 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
thanks so much. to you and everyone else.
since we've decided to keep the kittens i get to call the humane society and
see how much crap they are going to give me about this. since im fostering
they consider the cats theirs. we kinda figure after 5 months of bottle
feeding, paying for vet visits , putting down an injured kitten they wanted
us to "wait a week n see how she does" (spine was injured, she couldnt move
her back legs or use the bathroom) and 3 months of ringworm they caught the
1 time i took them into the humane society to be seen. consider bathing 8
kittens and having to hold each wet,soapy bundle-of-claws  for 10 minutes
before rinsing, twice a week for 3 months ! we've been repeatedly put off
and lied to every time we talk to the manager of the local humane society.
she even went as far as to badmouth their local vet to get me to agree to
them taking th ekittens to another county to be fixed. he wassnt very happy
over that one.
we kinda figure at this point they are our kitties and its our choice what
happens to them. i just get to convince the HS of it. wish me luck please :)
sorry. just venting a lil. i do tend to ramble

Terrie Mohr
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