I'm so glad Stinky is seeming stronger today and I so hope she gets to come home today. Try not to worry too much about the enlarged lymph node, it could just be a sign of infection, or stress. I have no idea what "purple spots on her large intestine indicates, perhaps some sort of irritation? Has she been having trouble with her bowels? I'm sending you both calming, healing energy. We're all pulling for you and your Stinky!

cindy reasoner wrote:

Stinky made it through the night.  I called this
morning and she was standing up in the cage. Hopefully she will be able to come home today. The
only thing I found out about the surgery was that her
small intestine looked o.k. Her large intestine had
some purple spots on it.  I don't know what that
means.  The lympnode looked like it was a little
enlarged.  That worries me.  It will probably be next
week before I know anything.  Thank all of you for
your advice and prayers.


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