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From: Sandra
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: Tabbs in Spain Interferon Omega

Tabbs Spanish Siamese tabby point FELV positive and Sandra
Took him in when he was a full male adult, age unknown, between 6 and 10. We Fully  Vacc and neutered without testing , sharing home with 5 other cats 4 who have been taken in by me,
lost 2 last year due to FELV, not tame enough to treat. Also took a kitten in who tested FELV, when 6 months old, but last test Nov 2005  was neg ,all 3 other cats testing Neg.
Blood tests to date,
 Jan `13     2006  HCT 17.5 old vets
Jan   20     2006  HCT  17.2 new vets     urea 40
Jan 28       2006  HCT   20.9
Feb           2006  HCT   10.00
Feb 25      2006  HCT   11.2
March 9    2006  HCT   14.3 Kidneys OK but liver which has been fine is not so good.
March 28  2006  HCT   11.1 a little more Regenerative 3:
if you wish me to e mail you a copy of the complete blood test I am happy to do so. as I am not that good at reading them,
also they are in Spanish some times. 
30 Jan 2006 analysis Tabbs has no parasite (haemobartonella) in the blood.
vet recommends to repeat the make the immune system stronger, one week after first injection. done
(from my Vet Victoria )
Hello Sandra: I am so happy to tell you that Tabbs hct is 14.3 %!!!      9.3.2006
Last time  was 11 % and a non regenerative anaemia. Now is a little regenerative.
So, now I suggest to follow in this way:
-Vitamins and rest of the medication: the same as before,
 started 27.02-Dacortin 5mg: injection then1 tablet /that evening followed by  ,  2 tablets per day for 3 days then 1 tablet mornings for 5 days. then one every other day, until further notice.
(could be 10 days when my vet will do another blood test.
-Interferon omega: ( started Virbagen Omega 4th March 1/2 bottle every other day. Tabbs HCT reading was 10% at this point. then 1/4 bottle every day(02.5 UI) ( 5 bottles) 10mu 500 euros
He had been 17.5% dropping to 17.2, then after the iron and vitamins plus restarting the stomorgy Tabbs went up to 21% (great) at this point I did not feel the need for the Interferon omega, (wrong) But on retesting again he had drop to 10 HCT so that is when we started the Interferon. .
-Vitamins and rest of the medication: the same as before,
this was 1/2 tablet per day of fortekor 5
1/2 tablet stomorgyl per day 10kgs Tabb has been on stomorgyl for about 6 weeks. may be longer.
Vitamins drops and iron drops each day for the last 6 weeks( mixed in warm milk)
L-lysine just start, about 5 days now 500mg morning and evening( mixed in food)
Here is Tabbs History to date,
Xmas 2005 pneumonia , hiding in the airing cupboard for about 5 days, then moved to spending all day in the bathroom sink.
treated the pneumonia with antibiotics , I can not remember what type, and also the fact that he tested FELV pos  in Nov 2005 was probably
the reason why he had picked up the pneumonia.
At that time my old vet was only treating him with stomorgly for his bad mouth and teeth, alongside
giving him vitamin B injections. after finding the groups web site, (so Helpful) I printed out a lot of the information  that I had collected, and took it down to my vet ,
But in fairness to him , my lack of Spanish and his lack of English proved to be a lack of interest in the information I had collected followed by comments of
having tried the following with out success, he was uninterested . At that time the paper I shown him was headed ImmunoRegulin    -------
More reading, and discontent, I change vets and found one that was recommended, and who is open to suggestions, and also had treated 3 of her own clients cats with the feline interferon.
So to date, Tabbs was started on the omega interferon  when his blood count was reading 10%, where my new Vet remarked that he should have die, and that she was unsure to weather we would have
any success in treating Tabbs at this late stage.Sadly we could have started his treatment of the interferon earlier, but due to his  readings on the 28 Jan, we thought the treatment was working.
Two other points that are the beginning of Tabbs History, are that first he has had bad teeth for the last 2 years, and having waited for his kidney readings to come down enough for us to give his teeth a clean and remove the bad teeth, we wasted 18 months before being able to do this. But since he has been on the  stomorgyl for over 2 months now, it appears that there is no problem with his Kidneys. my old vet tested in house his self, and my new vet sends the blood away to a very good place that is 99% correct.
Tabbs has had a X ray at his old vets, and I was told that there did not seem to be any tumours showing, But he has got 2 small lumps in his mouth which are beginning to get too big, and they are giving him a great deal of trouble, so much so that he as stop eating, and on the 26 of Feb I was thinking of calling the vet out to put him to sleep due to him being on a real down.But he pick up the next day, and is still fighting.
Today the 13th Feb his mouth is playing up a lot, We are waiting for another blood test to see if we can do his teeth for him and hopefully remove the lumps or tumours,My vet had to return to Holland due to family problems and will not return to Spain until the 22 March, I only hope he can wait that long, and also that his readings are good enough to operate.  
Sadly this was not the case, no operation due to blood test showing a drop, and also having run out of my second batch of feline interferon I could not afford a 3rd batch, 
so we ordered Interferon A,
and to date Tabbs seems to have not ill effects with it, also its is such a relief not to do the injections. As I was advise we could give  by mouth.
Tabbs had been eating quite well , with a lot of nice things to temp him, also up to a point he had not lost too much weight. But now his weight loss is dropping very rapidly.
I think that as soon as we took a break from the feline interferon, that short break seem to let things drop back down, to where we were at the beginning. Also may be changing with the gap to  Interferon A was a bad move, I will never know.
Up until the end I was still trying to get the Epogen, with no success. even though I thought I was close on 2 occasions.
 hope this has been of some help to you, any comments more than welcome
April 8th Tabbs was put to sleep at home. 
 Last test
 28 March 2006 HCT 11.1 but a little more Regenerative 3:        drop back  down from  14.1
Tabbs was A great fighter, this Big gentle Teddy bear did not wish to give up with out a big fight. Love you Tabbs, and missing you.
 We are taking Tabbs some where, which will do a single cremation,for us, and then he is coming home to keep us company, where he will still be part of the family.
Sandra and Tabbs Kindest Regards


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