Both exist (I can't believe your vets never heard of Hemobartonella) and they are different. Hemo is also know as Feline Infectious Anemia (also called feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis, infection by Hemobartonella felis, or infection by Mycoplasma haemophilus).

Bartonella is what causes what is known as Cat Scratch Disease or Cat Scratch Fever.

A Google search on hemobartonella and another on bartonella will have many results with lots of info on both. It would appear that Hemobartonella is much more serious.


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

Belinda, can you explain, clinically and technically, the difference between Hemobartonella, and Bartonella? ALL of my local vets have NO knowledge of Hemobart existing, and I assumed it was what they call Bartonella, but if you say it is different, can you tell me what the difference is, so that I can educate them, so THEY can help more cats in the future. Any highly technical papers and studies you
can find on the subject of HemoBartonella would be extremely helpful!

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