Thank you all for your kind words about Rocket.  As
many of you mentioned, Great Danes are very special. 
They are such gentle giants and they give love like no
other breed I've ever known.  I've run a rescue for
the past 2 years and I think I've met every breed of
dog out there.  Danes are just different in a way that
I guess can only make sense to those who have owned
them and shared their life with one.  

Many of you mentioned getting a rescue or an older dog
and believe me we have considered it and discussed it.
 Rocket is my only pet that wasn't a rescue because my
husband got him from a breeder before we married.  He
knew what he wanted in a dog and he wanted a Great
Dane.  Neither of us have ever regretted his decision.
 The concerns I have with a rescue are that I know
what often comes along with rescue dogs as I've
rescued many of them over the years.  Though they make
wonderful pets, they can also have issues.  When I
started looking at rescue danes, most of them had
comments like not good with kids, not good with other
dogs, not good with cats, etc.  I know and understand
what these dogs have often been through but having a
150 pound dog in a home with a newborn and 5 cats, you
need to be able to trust that dog 100%.  Rocket was so
sociable and didn't have any fear of people or other
animals.  That is what we loved about him.  We would
be devastated if we rescued a dog that was distant,
shy, or unhappy around kids or cats.  I guess that is
why we feel like starting over with a puppy (as we did
with Rocket) would be the only thing that makes sense
right now.  We would certainly consider adding a 2nd
one down the road that was an adult or older but we
are so not ready to lose one again.  Our dane only
lived 6 years and 11 months.  It seems like we just
got him yesterday.  We would be crushed if we took in
an adult and had to turn right around and go through
this again.  Anyways, just some ideas about why we are
actually crazy enough to consider starting all over
with a puppy with a newborn on the way.  My husband
and I both feel we can do it but were curious if
anybody else had and  how it went.  

Thanks again for all the feedback.

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