Hi Everyone,
I had an idea to try to raise some funds for animal charities on my cat website.  I signed up for several affiliate programs which pay a percentage on the sales of their products when accessed through my site.  I am going to donate 100 percent of any proceeds I receive to animal charities on a rotating basis.  I am not expecting to receive a lot of money from it, but I would be happy to be able to give a donation every month.
Has anyone had any experience doing this?  What would be the best way to advertise?  There are rules against using the companies' names in email, spamming obviously is a no-no, and other means (such as using the comapanies' name in meta-tags on the web pages) are not allowed, but I can use generic words like pet supplies, pet medications, etc.  I have plenty of bandwidth to accommodate an increase in website traffic, and my site is zoned for commercial use if I choose, so that isn't a concern..
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you!
Gina in Placerville, CA

No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines

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