Thank you all for your prayers.  Popeye is wheezing and weak, but he still fought me tooth and nail when I tried to get some water, tuna water, and fancy feast down him.  I don't think he got enough of any to do any good.  He just hates to be medicated so badly that if whatever is wrong CAN be fixed through medication I just don't know if it's worth it to his quality of life.
He's had high blood pressure a long time, and is going blind even on medication for that.  I put that med. in a spoonful of fancy feast and even that doesn't always work.  He's lost weight and I wonder if he's now hyper-t or something.  He's also losing his hearing as well.  He has a heart murmur too.
Popeye ALWAYS has to be right in my face wherever I am.  He sleeps beside me or on top of me. But last night he wouldn't sleep on the bed at all and keeps hiding under furniture.  I feel like that means he doesn't want to be bothered with a lot of tests, force feeding, med.s, etc........  :(    But then again, even wrapped in a towel he fought hard to keep me from feeding him anything or getting any water down him.  So I just don't know.  I'm very sad.  I've had Popeye since he was about 4 weeks old.  He was at the shelter WITHOUT a mother in December.  He's always been a 'woolsucker' from not having his mom when he was a baby.

Prayers are on the way for you & Popeye.

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