You and Popeye are in my thoughts and prayers. It's such a difficult time when you know they are seriously sick and refuse help. Having him from 4 weeks old, (such a tiny little angel), and the fact that he's such a momma's boy in every other respect (than medicating) makes all this so hard on you. A good bit of the time I feel like I'm part cat, but when it comes to them making the decision to not allow us to intervene in medical problems, well, I have such a hard time accepting that. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing at all, (except love them and accept them). Are you bringing him in to the vet today? Maybe there will be something they can prescribe in an injection that will be easier to administer. If you decide to bring him home with you, ask them for some Valium. I've given it to kitties that are in transition and it helps them to relax when they are distressed. Simon, a feral kitty friend of mine was suffering greatly, holding on to life in a body that had just plan worn out. Valium, (just a touch of it), helped him to relax enough to let go of the physical and pass peacefully. I'm so sorry that you and Popeye are suffering. I know from your previous posts that you have done your best to make peace with whatever may happen, (since you haven't been able to medicate him the way you'd hoped). None of that matters when we come down to what seems to be the end of our time with them. I'm praying that you are wrong, that he will bounce back and start to feel better. We are all here for you and Popeye.
Blessings and love,

catatonya wrote:

Thank you all for your prayers. Popeye is wheezing and weak, but he still fought me tooth and nail when I tried to get some water, tuna water, and fancy feast down him. I don't think he got enough of any to do any good. He just hates to be medicated so badly that if whatever is wrong CAN be fixed through medication I just don't know if it's worth it to his quality of life. He's had high blood pressure a long time, and is going blind even on medication for that. I put that med. in a spoonful of fancy feast and even that doesn't always work. He's lost weight and I wonder if he's now hyper-t or something. He's also losing his hearing as well. He has a heart murmur too. Popeye ALWAYS has to be right in my face wherever I am. He sleeps beside me or on top of me. But last night he wouldn't sleep on the bed at all and keeps hiding under furniture. I feel like that means he doesn't want to be bothered with a lot of tests, force feeding, med.s, etc........ :( But then again, even wrapped in a towel he fought hard to keep me from feeding him anything or getting any water down him. So I just don't know. I'm very sad. I've had Popeye since he was about 4 weeks old. He was at the shelter WITHOUT a mother in December. He's always been a 'woolsucker' from not having his mom when he was a baby.

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