OK...here's another one!  :)
What kind of litter do you all think is best?  I don't mean brand necessarily, but...should I be using a clay or a crystal (expensive!)...or should I go with something natural like wheat or corn or cedar?  I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of the dust that comes with clay.  But I do appreciate the clumping factor and the odor elimination. 
I've done a little research on clay and it sounds like the debate about it's negative effects is pretty heated...with experts on both sides.  I don't want to take the whole "natural/holistic" thing too far if it's not necessary (and my budget's already starting to stretch a bit thin, so I gotta be careful there, too).  But if clay really could be harmful to Slinky, I don't want to use it.
What are your thoughts?  What do you use?  My natural pet food store owner has several natural litters...but said she has to use a clay because it's the only thing her cats will use.  Please advise!  THANKS!!!

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