Its tough to find a vet who has a realistic attitude about FELV.  My first vet, who was wonderful, was upfront with me when my Tucson tested pos.  He told me that he had very little experience with FELV.  I found a second vet who coincidentally is the vet for a local rescuer who takes in FELV cats and he’s been great.  Never batted an eyelash when I talked to him about mixing; never treated Tucson any differently.  She has a tendency to develop low white blood count & he gives her immuno-regulin when that happens.  Outside or that, we do nothing special.


I changed all their food—they were all indoor cats & a couple of them, including Tucson, got to be real porkos!  I give them Wellness wet food and eliminated most of the dry food.  There are different foods out there and I know people will give you ideas.  Since switching, one of my cats has lost weight and Tucson, well she’s lost a bit but its tough with the ‘feline vacumn cleaner’!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: re: my baby crackers


i looked at my acts food the first 2 things are corn and corn gluten...any suggestions for a better food..he also eats whiskers wet packets...i am waiting for this vet to call me he said he would...i am a wreck and i am going to find a new vet..hopefully there is one around..the vet did the test that checks for FIV/feline the last min a tiny blue dot appearred very faint...he got his book and said it was luekemia...i was so excited that he said looks like its gonna be a total SHOCK...he said i can send out the other test and i said YES!! he said i will personally call u the results should be in sun but with the holiday...blah blah blah....i am waiting and praying..also i noticed on the elisa test that the blood was splattered all messy on it...he said that the confirmation blue came up and that the test was done right...i am new to this board thanks to belinda she hooked me up...i never knew of so many diseases cats could have and i appreciate how much valuable info i have received so far THANK YOU

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