Hi Guys,
First I'd like to apologize for not keeping up with the list and offering support as usual. Life has been quite hectic/draining around here as you can imagine and I just haven't been able to. I appreciate your allowing me to be selfish in leaning on you when I'm not reciprocating. Maybe some of what we're going through will help others too.

Here's the latest on Spencer... I talked to my beloved Dr. Ortega this morning. She understood why I am reluctant to put Spencer through more vet visits and further testing. She did suggest that Spencer be pts, but understood and respected that I felt Spencer was not ready for help in crossing over. She wanted me to understand that even with the most aggressive treatment we'd only be buying him weeks or possibly months, (as if I'm not aware of the usual scenario). I told her I did not want to bring him in and begged her to use her intuition and expertise to help me find a way to possibly put him in remission, or at least make him more comfortable, (without bringing him in). I asked her about injections of dexamethasone, depomedrol and about using Prednisone, (thank you Michelle!). She prescribed the dexamethasone, to give him once daily. She thought the other steroids were not necessary and would be redundant. She also advised me to bring him in to drain whatever fluid might have built up since Monday night. (I'm not bringing him in if I can possibly help it). Her logic was, if the dex helps stop the progression of the cancer, it will also stop the fluid build up and he'll be better off if he starts treatment with it already drained. I asked her about a diuretic and she didn't think it was appropriate in this case and would probably only serve to dehydrate him. She also said that it's possible, if things go very well, the fluid that's built up now could be absorbed on it's own. His breathing is not labored, it's shallow and rapid, but not labored. If he begins to have trouble breathing, I'll figure out what to do then.

So, that's where we stand. I gave him his first shot about an hour ago. He asked to be released from the bathroom, so I let him out, (shutting the back door this time). He's only had a handful of Wiskas treats, a tiny bite of salmon and a tablespoon of cream with BioPlasma in it. As far as I know he didn't eat anything else since Wed morning, and only a touch of baby food then.

I did talk to a couple of ACs this morning and they confirmed that he came back for me. Jasmine said he had a "near death" experience and came back because we have "unfinished business". The other AC said that he asked that I spend designated quiet time alone with him in meditation, that he wants to share his experience with me. They also said that he wanted me to know how much he appreciates everything I've done for him. His coming back to me is sure an indication of that!
Keep those prayers coming!

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