Ask the  vet for Denosyl, or look up the amount of SAMe in the Denosyl pills and get it from the health food store (it's the same thing, Denosyl is just how it is marketed through veterinarians).  It helps with liver failure.  Unless the liver failure is caused by cancer, the Denosyl should help. She may also need subcutaneous fluids. 
If the vet thinks it could be lymphoma in the liver and you do not do diagnostics and chemo, ask for a combo dexamethasone and depomedrol shot.  When my Simon had liver failure from lymphoma and the chemo stopped working for a while, those shots brought his liver values almost to normal by shrinking the lymphoma.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: Peanut/Special Needs List

Hi Belinda,

Could you please add  Peanut to the special needs list?  She came to me 2 months ago with 2 of her companions, from a bad situation, & she is now having issues with her liver.  I am waiting on results of her bloodwork & urinalysis.  I have been syringe feeding her through the night, but she is very weak this morning.  She stopped eating abruptly the night before last & this crash come on like  load of bricks.  I am floored.  She has jaundice & her urine is a dark orangey yellow.  I'm praying like crazy that we'll be able to turn this around with the force feedings.  Depending on what the vet says, I may opt for a feeding tube.  I'm pretty scared but trying to remain optimistic, since that's what Peanut needs from me right now & I have read of cats recovering from liver issues.  She's 18 years old & I know they can't live forever, but I've only had her for 2 months & I just want to have longer to show her that this world can be a decent place & that she is loved before she moves on.  But, then again, it never seems like it was long enough when the time comes.  I just hope it isn't her time yet, selfish as that may sound.  I am determined, though, to do whatever is best for her, to the best of my knowledge.  Please keep my precious baby in your prayers.  Thanks for listening.


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