I just read the entire group listing! I am sooo sorry about Spencer and I dont have any experience with the sickness part. Pokemon died from lyphomia but I didn't even know she had it!! She got sick and in a short time was gone. Then again I thought she was a kitten and she was 6-7 yrs old. She was a stray i found....Anyways..I am holding you and Spencer in my heart and prayers. My God its so hard to read about Spencer. Poor little thing. But Nina Spencer loves you! That's why he came back to you his mommy and that's why he is still here. Our cats have there special connection with us! I dont know what I would do if Crackers was in Spencers situation. I would follow my heart! Good luck in the battle and Bless you guys.
Kayte and Crackers
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.."

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