Hi Kris,

My name is Wendy.  I just finished reading all your
posts on little Luna.  I teared up reading your words.
 It brought back fresh memories of losing my precious
Cricket.  He died from anemia just like your Little
Luna.  It's been almost a year now.  He was my baby. 
I know just how you feel and you have every right to
grieve just how you need to.  I had SUCH a hard time
getting over losing Cricket.  It broke my heart
watching him deteriorate from the anemia over a period
of a few weeks.  I'll never forget the look on his
face that last day when I came home from work (I could
barely stand to be at work and could not concentrate
on anything) when he came out from under our dresser
like he had been waiting all day for me to get home
and he just looked up at me with that look, and meowed
at me, which he never did.  I'll never forget it. 
Once he was gone, I realized what a blessing I had
been given by being able to be with him as he passed
on.  So many here would give just about anything to be
able to have been with their kitties when they passed.
 Some here have come home or woken up to a kitty that
passed while they were not with them.  Luna was lucky
to have you there, just as you were.  You did ALL you
could do for little Luna.  He loved you for the way
you loved him, and because you gave him two wonderful
years of a loving family.  

Allow yourself time to grieve Kris.  Be gentle with
yourself.  Let the wonderful memories you have of Luna
to comfort you.  It will get better over time.  Don't
be ashamed for being so upset at losing your beloved
little kitty soul.

Prayers going out for you Kris and your family,

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