Oh Leslie,

How awful!!  <ok - take a deep breath now> It's good that your boyfriend
called 911.  In the mean time (since I know you're not going to be in any
shape to study)...
First - Notify any and all shelters and vets and animal control in your
area & let them know both your cats names, colors, sizes, sexes, and the
fact that they are microchipped.
Second - Get your boyfriend's dog out & go walking in the direction that
the car went and where your bookbag was found.  Let him guide you as you
walk - the kitties love him, so may be more apt to come out for him.
Third - put up posters everywhere with pictures and a contact number (you
can do this while you're out walking with your boyfriend's dog)
Fourth - contact your local paper & TV station, see if they can help get
pictures out - the more people looking, the better

Please keep us posted!!
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, Leslie wrote:

> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:06:36 -0700
> From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix
> Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be
> to put into words.
> I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they
> love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I
> pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and
> then drive the 20 minutes home.
> This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in
> kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go
> back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The
> doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have
> hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and
> banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it,
> having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I
> yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me
> yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.
> As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They
> ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't
> know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch
> is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we
> left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big
> guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present
> itself to him, but the kitten....oh you guys, I'm so scared.
> I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant.
> He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no
> idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery
> bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this
> stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was
> probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would
> amount to much.
> Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats
> might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows
> his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.
> Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but
> maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray
> that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my
> concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch
> waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back
> to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them
> again and that they are unharmed.
> Thank you all so much,
> Leslie

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