Well, Lucy ate a whole bowl of her turkey and her ears were cooler, so I took her temp and it is down to 103.1 (from 104.5 this morning and early afternoon), knock on wood.  But she squirmed a lot while I had the thermometer in her, and I used one of those thin plastic disposable sheaths on the thermometer for the first time. When I took the thermometer out there was a tiny bit of bright red blood on her rectum, and a little bit along the seam of the plastic sheath. Not a lot-- I would guess, if put together, it was a drop or two.  She has licked her rectum several times since then, though. There is no blood on it at this point, but I am worried that I might have hurt her with the thermometer. Has anyone ever seen a little blood on the thermometer of the rectum afterwards? I would think that if I had really hurt her she would have meowed or made a noise of some kind, but I am worried nonetheless. She did go and eat half a bowl of turkey right afterwards.

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