Definitely transfuse!  There is no hope without it, even if the other things would cure the anemia.
In terms of longer-term treatment, I personally would try acemannan.  It turned around two anemic cats on this list, and I think it is the only thing that has completely reversed it for non-flea anemia in positive cats.  I have heard the same arguments against Epogen and they make sense theoretically, but a couple of people on the list have found it to help a lot anyway.
In a message dated 11/6/2006 2:17:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
"He began losing weight about 2 weeks ago - gums pale as snow.  Blood work shows a hematocrit of 7 - almost not compatible with life.  He is still somewhat active - gets off the bed to go to the litterbox and sometimes to the rest of the house.  Will eat if I put food in front of him.  His vet thought we could  get a remission until the blood work came back.   He is getting raw liver, Clindamycin, 5mg pred every day, PetTinic, interferon.  I have immunoregulin and could try that.   I asked about Epogen and the way my vet explained it is that with feline leukemia, where the bone marrow is basically "dead" and not going to produce red cells, to give Epogen would be like knocking on the door when nobody is home.   We decided against blood transfusions due to the stress and the short term result.   Does anyone have any ideas?"
With a hemocrit that low, I don't think there IS any option, you MUST blood transfuse. The results are only short term IF he's not producing any red blood cells from his marrow. If he's not to that point, the transfusion might just give his body the boost it needs to "jump start" itself back up. I'd at least do it ONCE, if his recovery does turn out to be short term, THEN, consider not doing it again, and saying good bye, but you have to TRY it once to KNOW if he's that far gone! Unless your vet did a bone marrow TEST to KNOW that his FELV is that advanced, he's simply guessing, and giving you "worst case scenario" rather than TRYING anything.


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