We had a rough night.  I gave Scooter some more liver shake by an eyedropper – he didn’t seem to mind that I was gently opening his mouth and squirting it in.  Then he slept at the foot of my bed.  Sometime during the night he peed the bed, which is worrisome as he’s always been so good about going to the box.  I couldn’t sleep there anymore so I took him and put him on a towel and we finished the night in the spare room, but he cried and growled at me as I picked him up, as if it hurt him to be moved.   This morning I tried to put him in the litterbox to see if he needed to go, and he growled at me again, stood there for a minute and sat down in the litter.  Now he’s lying on a towel at my feet.  What could this mean?  He was dehydrated and lost a lot of weight before the first trip to the vet Monday, and he ate some since then but not as much as a healthy cat would eat.  Could it be the lack of adequate food and water, or in your experience is this a symptom of something more serious?  My husband and I are worried - we don’t want to put him through all this suffering and it breaks my heart to see him like this, but he’s so young!  This isn’t fair…


Thanks again to everyone for all your advice.  The list has been extremely helpful and supportive.  Cross your fingers for our little guy!



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